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daoAuthenticationProvider() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Configuration.Security.WebSecurityConfiguration
Sets passwordEncoder and userDetailsService from service folder Needed for getting users from MySQL Database and not In-Memory database Allows authentication from MySQL Database
DATE - idatt2106.group3.backend.Enum.SortingType
deleteActivity(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.ActivityService
Finds activity based on id, removes it, sends cancellation emails to all participants, and deletes the activity from the database
deleteActivity(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.ActivityController
deleteActivity_ShouldDeleteActivity_StatusOk() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.ActivityControllerTest
deleteChat(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.ChatService
Deletes Chat object from the database based on chatId
deleteChat(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.ChatController
deleteChat_ShouldDeleteChat_StatusOk() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.ChatControllerTest
deleteUser(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.UserService
Deletes a user from the database, and checks if it exists after
deleteUser(long) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.UserController
deleteUser_ActivityDoesNotExist_ReturnsFalse() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.ActivityServiceTest
deleteUser_ActivityExistsAndIsInFuture_ReturnsTrue() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.ActivityServiceTest
deleteUser_ActivityExistsButIsFinished_ReturnsFalse() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.ActivityServiceTest
deleteUser_ShouldDeleteUser_StatusOk() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Web.UserControllerTest
deleteUser_UserDoesNotExists_ReturnsFalse() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.UserServiceTest
deleteUser_UserExists_ReturnsTrue() - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.UserServiceTest
Difficulty - Enum in idatt2106.group3.backend.Enum
Enumerator values for difficulty, as for user's trainingLevel and difficulty of an activity.
DISTANCE - idatt2106.group3.backend.Enum.SortingType
doesEmailAlreadyExist(String) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Service.UserService
Checks if the email already exists in the database
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Configuration.Jwt.JwtTokenVerifier
Verifies the JWT token from request, and returns a 403 if it has expired
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class idatt2106.group3.backend.Configuration.Security.ExceptionHandlerFilter
Method that tries to continue through the filters, next step will be to the controller/endpoint If exception it will send an error
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